From Ocean to Office

Yesterday afternoon I had the chance to wander through the festival myself, taking in each Bayt and all the displayed art. It is incredibly curated by Alfio Tommasini, with each piece and installation placed with intention. It’s difficult to capture the feel of it, but here are a few photos.

In the late afternoon, I had the privilege of conducting a public workshop at the festival, which I titled “Seeing the World as Beautiful”. I was blown away by the incredible experience we had together. The twelve of us explored what it means to experience beauty in the world around us through each other’s eyes and the ways we can use photography as a way to share that beauty. Everyone showed up with bravery and openness and were fully engaged and so many beautiful photos were taken and shared.

And today went a little something like this:

  1. Wake up to an incredible moonscape at sunrise.

  2. Come back from grabbing camera to discover a crow eating my omelet. (so cheeky!)

  3. Meet ALL the new birds.

  4. Explore the beach.

  5. Wander into a stall at the camel racetrack and end up riding a camel. (Thank you, Faiz!)

  6. Be a guest on a podcast.

  7. Enjoy dinner and incredible conversation on the marina.




Well, that happened. Right?